Regionally Accredited Online Colleges

Picking the right school and the right program can be tricky. All online colleges are not created equal. Some won't accept credits transferred from other schools. Others are not accredited at all.

You could spend the time and money to take classes only to find out later that you can't use the credits to get the degree you want at the school you were accepted to or that your employer won't recognize a degree because it's from the wrong program.

So how can you be sure that you are on the right track? First things first.

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is essential to everyone involved. For a school to be accredited, a professional organization or council reviews the school's practices and programs to ensure that they meet or exceed the standards for education that the organization has set. This is important for a couple of reasons.

  • Students can be sure that an accredited university or college will meet their educational needs and provide them with financial aid options.
  • Colleges and students can determine which credits can be transferred between their preferred schools and programs.

Types of Accreditation

There are different types of accreditation a school can receive; institutionalized or specialized, either nationally or regionally.

To receive an institutionalized accreditation, the school must meet specific industry standards. Specialized accreditation is for certain programs of study that meet or exceed industry standards.

Some schools you can expect to have national accreditation are technical, religious, vocational, and correspondence schools. These schools usually get national instead of regional accreditation because they are for-profit schools focusing on student careers.

Regional accreditation holds schools to a higher standard than national accreditation. These schools are state-owned or non-profit institutions focusing more on academics than careers.

When deciding on a regional or nationally accredited school, you must ensure that whatever school you transfer to will take your credits. Most regionally accredited schools will not accept credit transfers from nationally accredited schools. It is much easier to transfer credits from a regionally accredited school to a regionally accredited school.

What career you plan to have should inform what kind of accreditation you look for in a school. If you are interested in learning a vocation or trade, national accreditation is what you will need. If you want to go a more traditional route, then a regionally accredited online college is the one for you.

In the ever-growing world of online education, choosing a reputable and accredited institution is vital. Among the various accreditation types, regional accreditation stands out as the gold standard. This article will guide you through the benefits of choosing regionally accredited online colleges, the top institutions in each region, and how to select the right college for you.

The Difference Between Regional and National Accreditation

When it comes to accreditation, there are two main types: regional and national. Regional accreditation focuses on a specific geographic area, while national accreditation typically applies to vocational, technical, and religious institutions. Regional accreditation is considered more prestigious and widely recognized, making it the preferred choice for students and employers alike.

Benefits of Choosing a Regionally Accredited Online College

Selecting a regionally accredited online college has several advantages:

Transfer of credits: Credits earned at regionally accredited institutions are more likely to be accepted by other colleges, making it easier to transfer or pursue higher degrees.

Financial aid: Students attending regionally accredited colleges are more likely to be eligible for federal financial aid programs.

Employment prospects: Employers often prefer graduates from regionally accredited institutions, as it is a mark of quality education.

Further Reading: Regional vs National Accreditation

How do I know if a school is accredited?

A school that is accredited will want you to know it. Most college websites will share their accreditation status on their home page. You can also check the website's site map or scroll to the bottom of the home page and look for a link to accreditation. Be wary of schools that use terms like "licensed" or "recognized." If you are unsure after looking at the school's website, you can check the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's directory to see if they are listed. For online schools, you can also check accreditation at ACICS or Education Connection.

You can check your school's accreditation by visiting the following:

To check distance learning accreditation, visit:

Cheapest Regionally Accredited Online Colleges

When choosing a college, it is essential to find one with great teachers and a program that gives you the education you want. However, expensive colleges will leave you with a mountain of debt that won't be easy to get rid of any time soon. The following colleges are some of the cheapest, but that doesn't mean they have skimped on quality. With a host of programs to choose from, there is something here for everyone.

Great Basin College

This online college has institutional and specialized accreditation through the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. With tuition at $2,805 a year, it's no wonder it was rated as the most affordable online college available by SR Education Group. Their available fully online programs include early childhood development, land surveying, graphic communications, and RN-BSN.

Brigham Young University - Idaho

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints runs this non-profit college. Although the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints runs it, it accepts both LDS and non-LDS students. They offer 350 online courses with seven associate and eleven bachelor degrees. This school also received institutional accreditation, with eight programs getting specialized accreditation. Tuition is around $3830 per year, making them an affordable option for the more conservative college applicant.

The University of Texas of the Permian Basin

With tuition at $5,250 a year and an institutionalized accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, UT of Permian Basin is an excellent choice for the online learner. In addition to their institutional accreditation, they also received specialized accreditation for at least eight of their programs, including a bachelor of arts or music, education, nursing, and social work. They even have degrees that can be earned in as little as eight weeks.

Self Paced Regionally Accredited Online Colleges

Many people today need flexibility in their school schedules for many reasons, including working full-time while in school and raising a family. Self-paced, regionally accredited online colleges offer lenient courses designed so that busy people can finish their degrees without the stress of inconvenient class times, group projects, and driving to campus every day.

Thomas Edison State University

Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate, TESU has an online course that will cater to your needs and busy lifestyle. With more than 100 areas of study and the ability to get an associate's or a bachelor's degree, TESU has the self-paced courses to take your career to the next level on your time.

University of North Dakota – Online & Distance Education

The University of North Dakota was awarded Most Innovative of Best Colleges by the U.S. News and World Report in 2018. They have two options for distance learners - the more traditional online degree programs as well as a self-paced program that gives the student up to nine months to complete their courses. This program is available for enrollment at anytime or day during the year. This gives the student complete control over when they begin and finish a course.

No matter which regionally accredited online colleges you choose, it is up to you to get the most out of your education. By ensuring that the school is regionally accredited and that the program is appropriate for your position, you will get the most of your degree whether you choose a self-paced or a cheaper one. Your future awaits, so get started toward making more money today by enrolling in a program of study that fits your life and career goals.

List of Regionally Accredited Online Colleges

AIU Online

American InterContinental University is a regionally accredited college system with six campuses, both in the United States and abroad. Its virtual division, AIU Online, offers accelerated associate, bachelor, and master degrees.

AT Still University of Health Sciences Online

AT Still University of Health Sciences has built its online program on the strength of practical healthcare disciplines for college graduates. Distance learning revolves around a quarter system, enabling attendees to earn a master's degree in 1.5 years (at the rate of two classes per quarter) in Still's Arizona School of Health Sciences.

Baker College Online

Baker College Online bills itself as a career-focused college. While the school's Blackboard system is online 24 hours a day for students to listen to lectures, discuss content, and complete assignments, the school sets regular deadlines to get the work done.

Bellevue University Online

Bellevue University Online offers liberal arts and vocation-focused programs year-round, with all-day online access. Students can take classes, discuss lessons, and complete research, earning a degree at their leisure within a prescribed timeframe.

Benedictine University Online

Originally founded as Chicago's St. Procopius College in 1887, Benedictine is now an academically diverse university in Lisle, Illinois. The online branch offers graduate degrees geared toward professionals serious about advancing their careers, so the admission standards and tuition are fairly high.

Boston University Online

When studying at Boston University Online, students can complete the coursework at their own speed as long as they meet deadlines designed to push them along at an acceptable pace. Dedicated students usually have enough time to take two courses per semester, one course after the other.

Bryant and Stratton College Online

Bryant & Stratton, a workplace-focused college, has distilled more than 150 years of teaching experience into its online program. Students use a software called TopClass to navigate the 7.5-week classes, all conducted in a virtual classroom.

Champlain College Online

While Champlain College Online touts its flexibility in its career-focused online education, the college says students should be willing to dedicate 13 to 14 hours per week to "attending" class and doing assignments. Distance-learning classes are spread over six sessions per year.

California University of Pennsylvania Global Online

The California University of Pennsylvania, part of Pennsylvania's public higher-education system, launched its Global Online campus in 2004. The university offers a variety of online master's degrees and certifications as well as two undergraduate programs.

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Online

Open only to college graduates, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Online offers a broad curriculum for generalists and the opportunity to focus on a niche.

Capella University Online

More than 20,000 students in all 50 states and 56 other countries attended Capella University in 2007, making this for-profit company one of the largest online campuses.

Eastern Kentucky University Online

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the master's program in homeland security has become a cornerstone of Eastern Kentucky University's online curriculum. Overall, the distance education branch serves more than 10,000 students.

Everest University Online

Up to 80% of the online classes at Everest University focus on what students can apply in the professional world, making it a practical avenue for obtaining a degree at the associate, bachelor's or master's degree levels.

Cambridge College Online

Blended distance learning supports Cambridge College's mission to reach out to working adults. The school offers some fully online courses and some that are conducted nearly half on the web. Most programs require in-person interaction.

Charter Oak State College

Charter Oak State College is one of the “big three” non-traditional colleges offering flexible degree completion opportunities. Charter Oak allows students to earn personally-tailored degrees by transferring credits from regionally accredited schools, taking exams, proving life experience, and taking online courses.

Fielding Graduate University Online

Fielding Graduate University seeks to attract adults in mid-career for master's and doctorate programs in the schools of Psychology, Human and Organization Development, and Educational Leadership and Change.

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences Online

Florida Hospital College is arming candidates in those growing ranks with an online bachelor's degree. The faith-based school -- the campus is at Florida Hospital of the Adventist Health System -- runs on the trimester system.

Franklin University Online

Franklin has a full catalog of undergraduate majors in practical disciplines such as business and computers, plus a master's business track. Classes are offered from 15 weeks to a speedy three weeks.

Colorado Technical University Online

Colorado Technical University is a private, for-profit college that opened in 1965 to offer career-oriented education. Students are encouraged to virtually attend live lectures that feature online student discussions, but class sessions may also be viewed later.

Gonzaga University Online

The ability to handle two three-credit courses per semester can enable Gonzaga University Online students to make steady progress toward a highly regarded master's degree. Gonzaga was recently ranked third among master's universities in the West by US News and World Report.

Graceland University Global Campus

Graceland University developed its virtual global campus in 2005, and it's quickly becoming the school's most popular educational arm. Graceland focuses its online degrees on two service-oriented fields: nursing and teaching.

Herzing College Online

Herzing College Online has committed deeply to distance learning with nearly two-dozen undergraduate degrees and a select choice of master's degrees in business administration.

Iowa Central College Online

A two-year school that focuses on providing job skills and laying the foundation for a bachelor's degree, Iowa Central allows students to complete an associate degree online. The school also has a few correspondence courses done through the U.S. mail.

DeVry University Online

A private, for-profit college, DeVry University boasts nearly 22,000 full-time and 26,000 part-time students at 23 brick-and-mortar campuses and online. The curriculum focuses on practical applications, and courses are taught primarily by professionals rather than professors.

Drexel Online University

Drexel Online is a subsidiary of Drexel University, a reputable brick-and-mortar college in Pennsylvania. Its virtual programs are aimed primarily at working professionals.

Keiser University eCampus

Keiser University's eCampus caters to students hoping to quickly parlay their degrees into better positions in the workforce. Nearly two-dozen associate and bachelor's options, plus three graduate degrees, are available online. They're aimed at fields that are often in high demand, such as computers, business and health care.


eCornell, a subsidiary of Cornell University, is an online professional development program that offers courses in various business fields, including management, human resources, finance, and hospitality.

Fort Hays State University Virtual College

Fort Hays State University Virtual College is part of a public state university system. While this means the schedules and programs are more traditional, the tuition is lower than that of many of its competitors.

George Washington University Online

The George Washington University online distance-learning program is a relatively small part of this 25,000-student traditional, not-for-profit university. The online program emphasizes its wide variety of graduate and certificate health science programs, including a healthcare MBA.

Marist College Online

Marist College focuses its online programs on master's degrees and degree completion for undergraduates. The school's eCourses are open to qualified students around the world.

Kaplan University Online

Professionals who still work in the field teach Kaplan University's courses. In addition to student discussions and online quizzes, courses include Web field trips in which students research topics online.

National American University

National American University's broad curriculum and inclusive entrance standards provide a welcoming platform for most students. Attendees must finish the work within the eight- and 11-week courses, but there's plenty of wiggle room in that time frame.

New England College Online

A small liberal arts institution with a flexible admissions policy, New England College has incorporated distance learning into most of its programs. Its exclusively online format is aimed largely at graduate students who tend to be working professionals.

Norwich University Online

Norwich University's online graduate studies focus on peer interaction at a brisk pace. A basic load for students is one six-credit seminar every 11 weeks, putting them on pace to complete their master's in 18 to 24 months. The school touts the learn-on-your-own-time flexibility of its graduate programs, a departure from Norwich's more regimented undergraduate military bent.

Saint Leo University Center for Online Learning

Many of Saint Leo's associate, bachelor's and master's studies are primarily aimed at building professional competence. The online branch now boasts more than 5,000 graduates from programs in business, law enforcement, and technology.

National University

National University is a private, non-profit university system offering dozens of online programs in addition to its brick-and-mortar courses held on California campuses. Programs at National University are designed for adult learners with five or more years of work experience.

Tiffin University Online

Tiffin University welcomes scholars, students who have yet to prove themselves, and established adults. Its schools of arts and sciences, business, criminal justice, and social sciences generate degree opportunities for distance learners at the associate and master's levels.

Tulane University Online

A master's certificate in business program highlights Tulane University's distance-learning options. Students receive streaming video lectures from the same faculty that teaches at Tulane's A.B. Freeman School of Business, ranked among the top 50 business schools annually by U.S. News and World Report.

University of Cincinnati Online

The University of Cincinnati devised its distance-learning options primarily from health care, education, and criminal justice. In keeping with its distance-learning roots, begun in 1984, Cincinnati continues to offer fire science programs as well.

Northcentral University

Northcentral University is a regionally accredited for-profit online college with headquarters in Arizona. They are known for flexibility in admissions requirements (not asking for standardized test scores) and teaching schedules (no set class times or residencies).

The New School

The New School is an innovative brick-and-mortar college focusing on creativity and social justice. Students at their New York City campus choose from fields like fashion and design with a strong liberal arts focus.

Villanova University Online

Villanova reaches out to working professionals with online certifications intended to turbocharge the climb up the corporate ladder -- or strengthen the foothold at the top. The university stakes its reputation -- a No. 1 ranking by U.S. News and World Report in the north region -- on its professional education certificate program.

Winston-Salem State University Online

Winston-Salem State University often blends distance learning with other modes of course delivery. However, transfers from within North Carolina can finish a multipurpose bachelor's degree completely online. Online master's degrees are available in health care -- some with clinical obligations.

Online Azusa Pacific University

Azusa Pacific University is a respected brick-and-mortar California college that offers accredited online master’s degrees, certificates, and bachelor completion programs. Degrees can be earned online or through online / in-class blended learning.

Strayer University

Strayer University is a network of campuses and online programs designed for adult learners with full-time jobs. Strayer University actively works with students to apply for transfer credits from other colleges, exams, professional certifications, portfolio learning, and the military.

Thomas Edison State College

TESC is one of the “big three” colleges that make it convenient for students to transfer previously earned credits, receive credits via testing, and earn credit for life experience. Classes are offered online and through independent study.

University of Massachusetts Online

The University of Massachusetts Online offers virtual degree programs from respected and established traditional colleges. Students can enroll in online classes from the University of Massachusetts campuses, such as Dartmouth, Amherst, Boston, Lowell, and Worcester.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Online

Online graduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute work in the same semester rhythm as their on-campus counterparts -- but study to their own beat. Worcester Polytechnic considers its distance education another conduit to deliver the same rigorous course content. The school's Advanced Distance Learning Network programs revolve around business, technology, engineering, and fire safety.

Western Governors University

Western Governors University is a non-profit virtual college founded by the governors of 19 Western states. Unlike most colleges, Western Governors University has no required courses – instead, students prove their understanding through writing assignments and exams.

SchoolAnnual Tuition
Abilene Christian University33330
Abraham Lincoln University7500
Adams State University20456
Adelphi University37170
Alvernia University33640
American InterContinental UniversityNot Provided
American International College34470
American National University14886
American Public University System6880
American University46615
American University - MBA46615
Anderson University - SC26970
Angelo State University17161
Anna Maria College37130
Antioch University Online19776
Appalachian State University22109
Arcadia University42330
Argosy University Online13438
Arizona State University$15,691 - $27,372
Arkansas State University14778
Ashford University$10,632 - $13,400
Auburn University29640
Augustana University - SD31960
Austin Peay State University23153
Baker College Online9360
Ball State University25942
The Baptist College of Florida11100
Barry University29850
Baylor University43790
Bellevue University7752
Benedictine University33900
Bethel University - IN28030
Bethel University - MN36210
Bethel University - TN16552
Biola University38448
Bluefield College24800
Boise State University22642
Boston University52082
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus18593
Bradley University32930
Brandeis University53537
Brenau University28510
Brescia University21550
Brookline College Online$14,500 - $15,515
Bryan College-Dayton25600
Bryan University Online$15,400 - $15,447
Buena Vista University32854
California Baptist University32256
California Coast University4725
California Institute of Advanced Management20000
California State University-Fullerton18730
California State University-Northridge18755
California State University-San Bernardino18765
California University of Pennsylvania15326
Calvary University11152
Campbellsville University25400
Canisius College36454
Capella University14250
Capitol Technology University24788
Carlow University28596
Carnegie Mellon University53910
Carrington College$13,975 - $54,125
Carson-Newman University27400
Central Christian College of Kansas17240
Central Methodist University$5,760 - $23,770
Central Michigan University23670
Central Washington University22010
Chamberlain College of Nursing19375
Chaminade University of Honolulu24514
Champlain College39818
Charleston Southern University24840
Chicago School of Professional Psychology Online13530
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College7393
City University of Seattle16920
Claremont Graduate University34836
Clarion University15636
Clarkson University47950
Clemson University36058
Cleveland State University13829
College of Saint Elizabeth33131
The College of Saint Scholastica36212
Colorado Christian University30370
Colorado Mesa University20330
Colorado State University-Fort Collins28903
Colorado State University-Global Campus9000
Colorado State University-Pueblo25547
Colorado Technical University - OnlineNot Provided
Columbia International University22390
Columbia Southern University6600
Columbia University in the City of New York57208
Columbus State University16920
Concordia College - New York31600
Concordia University - Nebraska31000
Concordia University - Portland30270
Concordia University - Texas30600
Concordia University - Wisconsin28600
Concordia University-Irvine34100
Corban University31640
Creighton University38750
Crown College25430
Culver-Stockton College26040
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice14460
Dakota State University12077
Dallas Baptist University27480
Davenport University17558
Delta State University6859
DePaul University39010
DeSales University35900
Dickinson State University9226
Dominican University32530
Drexel University52002
Drury University27015
Duke University53500
Duquesne University36394
East Carolina University23420
Eastern Illinois University13868
Eastern Kentucky University18250
Eastern Michigan University29200
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus11788
Eastern Oregon University19682
Eastern University32145
ECPI University Online15051
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania14668
Elmhurst College36370
Emory University49392
Emporia State University19918
Evangel University22745
Excelsior CollegeNot Provided
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus39446
Faulkner University20970
Fayetteville State University16791
Ferris State University18588
Fitchburg State University16235
Florida Atlantic University17276
Florida Gulf Coast University25162
Florida International University18954
Florida State University18786
Florida Tech16128
Fontbonne University25460
Fort Valley State University19738
Framingham State University16000
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University12764
Franciscan University of Steubenville26430
Friends University27565
Frostburg State University22262
Full Sail University23694
Gannon University30932
Gardner Webb University30700
George Mason University34370
The George Washington University53518
George Washington University - Engineering53518
Georgetown College37160
Georgetown University52300
Georgia College & State University28060
Georgia Institute of Technology33014
Georgia Southern University17142
Georgia Southwestern State University15802
Georgia State University23971
Gonzaga University41330
Grace College and Theological Seminary23170
Grand Canyon University17050
Grantham University6540
Hamline University40332
Hampton University25441
Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies33542
Hope International University31800
Huntington University25540
Illinois Institute of Technology45864
Immaculata University27350
Independence University16968
Indiana Institute of Technology26370
Indiana State University19452
Indiana University - Bloomington34845
Indiana University - East19038
Indiana University-Northwest19038
Indiana Wesleyan University Online25980
Indiana Wesleyan University Online - Adult Education25980
Iowa Central Community College7665
Iowa State University22472
Jackson State University18314
Jacksonville State University15582
Jacksonville University35260
James Madison University27230
John Brown University26144
Johns Hopkins University52170
Johnson & Wales University-Online13365
Johnson University14920
Judson College17896
Judson University29434
Kansas Christian College$5,460 - $7,640
Kennesaw State University$8,066 - $17,329
Kent State University at Kent18544
Kentucky State University19638
Kentucky Wesleyan College25070
Kettering University Online42490
King University28572
LA Film School - Online29500
Lakeland University27760
Lamar University18274
Lee University16730
Lehigh University50740
Lesley University26675
LeTourneau University29320
Lewis University31250
Lewis-Clark State College18410
Liberty University11700
Lindenwood University16960
Louisiana State University - Shreveport20320
Louisiana Tech University18558
Loyola University Chicago43078
Loyola University New Orleans39492
Lubbock Christian University21794
Lynn University37510
Malone University29900
Manhattan College41412
Marian University - Wisconsin27400
Marshall University17856
Maryville University28470
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences32590
McKendree University29640
McNeese State University15958
Mercer University36000
Messiah College34160
Metropolitan State University of Denver20149
Michigan State University39406
Middle Tennessee State University26348
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary7810
Midwestern State University10644
Miller-Motte College Online$10,800 - $11,740
Miller-Motte Technical College Online$9,500 - $12,420
Minnesota State University at Mankato16216
Minnesota State University-Moorhead15878
Minot State University6810
Misericordia University31660
Mississippi College17392
Mississippi State University22358
Missouri Baptist University26020
Missouri Southern State University11568
Missouri State University14746
Missouri University of Science and Technology25918
Montana State University24071
Montana State University-Northern18171
Morehead State University13426
Morningside College30490
Mount Aloysius College22430
Mount Mercy University30582
Mount Vernon Nazarene University28090
Murray State University23820
National American University Online$6,075 - $15,075
National Louis University10440
Nebraska Methodist College15980
New England College36954
New Jersey Institute of Technology31918
New Mexico State University21022
New York University50464
Newman University29200
Nicholls State University8979
North Carolina A&T State University19416
North Carolina Central University19106
North Carolina State University27406
North Dakota State University - Main Campus20692
North Greenville University19150
Northcentral University17526
Northeastern State University14022
Northeastern University49497
Northern Arizona University24841
Northern Illinois University23816
Northern Kentucky University19104
Northern Michigan University15736
Northern State University11210
Northwest Missouri State University12908
Northwest Nazarene University29000
Northwest University30320
Northwestern State University of Louisiana18710
Northwestern University52678
Northwood University-Michigan26080
Norwich University38662
Notre Dame of Maryland University36070
Nova Southeastern University29930
Nyack College25350
Oakland City University23700
Ohio Christian University20240
Ohio State University-Main Campus29696
Ohio University-Main Campus21360
Oklahoma Christian University21670
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus23776
Oklahoma Wesleyan University26090
Old Dominion University27900
Olivet Nazarene University34940
Oral Roberts University26792
Oregon Institute of Technology28367
Oregon State University29457
Ottawa University Online11815
Our Lady of the Lake University28192
Pacific Oaks College28725
Parker University Online15564
Penn Foster - HealthcareNot Provided
Penn Foster Career SchoolNot Provided
Penn Foster CollegeNot Provided
Pennsylvania State University-World Campus13988
Pepperdine University51992
Pfeiffer University29574
Pinnacle Career Institute Online$15,765 - $20,465
Point Park University30130
Portland State University26130
Post University OnlineNot Provided
Prescott College30501
Purdue University - Main Campus28794
Purdue University Global$11,581 - $16,246
Purdue University Northwest17129
Queens University of Charlotte33532
Quinnipiac University46780
Regent University Online17288
Regis College39820
Regis University35610
Rochester College22312
Rochester Institute of Technology40068
Rogers State University15210
Roosevelt University28963
Rowan University21890
Rutgers University30579
Sacred Heart University39820
Saint Cloud State University16462
Saint Francis University35066
Saint Joseph's College-New York26550
Saint Joseph's University43880
Saint Leo University Online22220
Saint Louis University-Main Campus42166
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota33560
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College29510
Saint Xavier University33380
Salem University16700
Sam Houston State University18022
Samford University30490
San Joaquin Valley College30175
Savannah College of Art and Design36410
Saybrook University Hybrid Online27439
Seton Hall University40588
Shiloh University4510
Shorter University21730
Siena Heights University25932
Simmons University School of Social Work39600
South College18000
South Dakota State University11689
South University Online13354
Southeast Missouri State University12720
Southeastern Oklahoma State University15390
Southeastern University25360
Southern Arkansas University12156
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary18860
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale28107
Southern Methodist University52498
Southern New Hampshire University Online11520
Southern Oregon University24630
Southern University and A & M College18080
Southern Utah University20288
Southwestern Assemblies of God University19994
Southwestern Christian University13880
Southwestern College - KS28750
Southwestern Oklahoma State University13905
Spring Arbor University Online27750
St. Bonaventure University Online33331
St. Catherine University38170
St. John's University40520
Stanford University49617
Stephen F. Austin State University17676
Stephens College30344
Sterling College - KS24985
Stevenson University35490
Stratford University15135
Syracuse University46755
Tabor College27220
Tarleton State University17111
Tennessee Tech University24377
Texas A & M University-Commerce20884
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi18925
Texas A & M University-Kingsville22102
Texas A&M University-College Station36606
Texas Tech University18652
Texas Woman's University17446
Thomas Edison State University9820
Thomas More College30270
Toccoa Falls College22104
Touro University Worldwide14600
Towson University22140
Trevecca Nazarene University25100
Trident University International9240
Trine University Online10832
Troy University13520
Truett McConnell University19480
Tulane University52960
Ultimate Medical Academy$15,500 - $15,550
Union College - KY26080
Union University31510
University at Buffalo27068
University College10200
University of Alabama28100
University of Alabama at Birmingham19032
University of Alabama in Huntsville21480
University of Alaska Fairbanks19183
University of Arizona11800
University of Arizona - Engineering35307
University of Arkansas24308
University of Bridgeport32250
University of California - Berkeley42184
University of California - Los Angeles41275
University of California-Irvine41752
University of Central Arkansas15047
University of Central Florida22467
University of Central Missouri14150
University of Charleston30400
University of Cincinnati27334
University of Colorado Boulder36220
University of Colorado Colorado Springs19498
University of Colorado Denver25259
University of Dallas38716
University of Dayton41750
University of Delaware33150
University of Denver48669
University of Detroit Mercy41158
University of Florida28659
University of Florida - Community Sciences28659
University of Georgia30392
University of Hartford38910
University of Houston22066
University of Houston-Clear Lake19270
University of Houston-Downtown16430
University of Idaho23812
University of Illinois at Springfield20938
University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign31194
University of Iowa30609
University of Kansas26592
University of Kentucky28046
University of La Verne41450
University of Louisiana-Lafayette23616
University of Louisiana-Monroe20570
University of Louisville26286
University of Maine30282
University of Maine at Fort Kent12075
University of Mary18224
University of Maryland - College Park33606
University of Maryland University College12336
University of Massachusetts - Amherst33477
University of Massachusetts-Boston32985
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth28285
University of Massachusetts-Lowell31865
University of Memphis21029
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor47476
University of Michigan - Dearborn24706
University of Michigan-Flint21165
University of Minnesota Digital Campus$11,338 - $26,603
University of Minnesota-Crookston11814
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities26603
University of Missouri26506
University of Missouri at Saint Louis25505
University of Missouri-Kansas City19793
The University of Montana24943
University of Mount Olive19700
University of Nebraska at Kearney13194
University of Nebraska at Omaha20320
University of Nebraska-Lincoln24098
University of Nevada - Reno21788
University of New Haven38170
University of New Mexico22038
University of North Alabama15128
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill34588
University of North Carolina at Charlotte20266
University of North Carolina at Greensboro22409
University of North Carolina at Pembroke17605
University of North Carolina at Wilmington21065
University of North Dakota20047
University of North Texas20504
University of Northern Colorado21132
University of Northern Iowa19241
University of Northwestern - St. Paul30794
University of Northwestern Ohio11050
University of Notre Dame51505
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus26919
University of Phoenix$9,608 - $9,960
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus30642
University of Redlands48072
University of Saint Francis29430
University of Saint Mary27720
The University of Scranton43310
University of Sioux Falls27980
University of South Alabama15324
University of South Carolina-Columbia31962
University of South Dakota12019
University of South Florida - Main Campus17324
University of Southern California54259
University of Southern Indiana18626
University of Southern Maine20594
University of Southern Mississippi10218
University of St Francis31470
The University of Tennessee - Knoxville31390
The University of Tennessee - Martin14996
The University of Texas at Arlington25152
The University of Texas at Austin36744
The University of Texas at Dallas29656
The University of Texas at El Paso21596
The University of Texas at Tyler20872
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin6622
University of the Cumberlands23000
University of the Incarnate Word29990
University of the Southwest16200
University of the Virgin Islands14496
University of Toledo18885
University of Utah28127
University of Valley Forge21370
University of Virginia47273
University of Washington - Seattle35538
University of West Alabama16818
The University of West Florida19241
University of Wisconsin - Madison34783
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse17765
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee20844
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh15160
University of Wisconsin-Platteville15386
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point16476
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater16235
University of Wyoming16827
Upper Iowa University29600
USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work$48,524 - $51,442
Utah State University21520
Utica College20676
Valdosta State University17196
Valley City State University16579
Valparaiso University38760
Villanova University51284
Villanova University Online Graduate Programs18473
Virginia College Online22600
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University31014
Viterbo University27150
Walden UniversityNot Provided
Waldorf University8700
Walsh University29150
Warner University21216
Washington State University25817
Wayland Baptist University18510
Wayne State University27203
Webster University27100
West Texas A & M University9117
West Virginia University23616
Western Carolina University17290
Western Governors University6070
Western Illinois University12897
Western Kentucky University25512
Western Michigan University14699
Western New England University35740
Western Washington University22695
Wheeling Jesuit University28110
Wichita State University17390
Widener University44166
Wilkes University34896
William Carey University12300
William Woods University23260
Winthrop University29136
Wright State University-Main Campus17098
York College18760
Youngstown State University8811

Why Regional Accreditation Matters for Today's College Students

When researching colleges and universities, prospective students encounter all kinds of accreditation terms. But "regional accreditation" is the most prestigious and meaningful type students should look for.

Regional accreditation ensures an entire institution meets rigorous standards around academics, faculty, student services, and more. It provides confidence in the quality of education students will receive. This accreditation is granted by agencies assigned to different geographic regions of the U.S.

Attending a regionally accredited college offers advantages traditional accreditation can't match:

  • Employers know regionally accredited schools provide a solid education. Graduates tend to be more attractive job candidates.
  • Credits seamlessly transfer between regionally accredited institutions. This flexibility helps students complete degrees uninterrupted.
  • Regionally accredited colleges qualify for federal financial aid. Students have access to more support options.
  • Nationally recognized graduate programs only accept credits from regional accreditation. It keeps doors open for future master's and doctoral degrees.
  • Colleges lacking regional accreditation are viewed as riskier and less legitimate options. Their credits often don't transfer.

When researching schools, verifying regional accreditation is a must. Key U.S. agencies granting this recognition include the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

While national or program-specific accreditation has value in certain fields, regional accreditation remains the "gold standard" for traditional colleges and universities. For today's college students, it provides reassurance of quality and better mobility.

Take the next step toward your future with online learning.

Discover schools with the programs and courses you’re interested in, and start learning today.